Sunday, November 6, 2011

Prohibition and Vacation

Well, no, I'm not actually going on vacation, but I will be super busy next week and I don't know if I will even be able to watch TV when Stephen is on. So, I may or may not have posts up for next week.

But don't despair. I think you can watch a lot of the video of the Prohibition film that Ken Burns did. You may remember I wrote about that previously. Anyway, go over to PBS and click on all the links to watch the Prohibition series. I did watch when it was on TV and it was more interesting than I expected. It's not just about people not being able to drink alcohol. There's a lot of insight into what the country was like at various times during that period. It touches on the economics, the politics, religion and changing roles of many groups of people.

It's definitely worth the time to watch. (I admit, I did not check out the links to see if the whole series was there, but it probably is.)

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