Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Teams

It just dawned on me that I should mention the Teams for the Race. You can see them if you track the race with YellowBrick. The teams are, in no particular order except alphabetical, Eagles' Wings, First Light, Gratitude, Halcyon, Pied'a Mer, Santosha, Solarus, Spirit of Juno, Spirit of Minerva, Tucana, and Yanosha.

I did a little bit more poking around at the YellowBrick tracking screen and clicked on YellowBrick down at the bottom of the screen. Then I clicked on their Gallery of Photos and found out that YellowBrick is actually, sort of, a yellow brick that you can put on your bike or boat or car and track its location and progress.

I'm having a flashback to Dorothy and the Munchkins singing "Follow the Yellow Brick Road." Oh, if only Dorothy could have had YellowBrick tracking where she was. She might have been able to avoid the Wicked Witch completely and get back to Kansas much quicker.

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