Friday, May 27, 2011

Lightly Scrambled With a Side of Tucana

Where do they come up with these good headings? That's the latest news from the Charleston Bermuda Race and it's not looking good for Stephen. In fact, I am thinking someone should air drop a map for them. I'm wondering if he got the spelling wrong and is heading for Brazil instead of Bermuda.

Tucana has only 11.8 nm to go and is traveling at 6.90 knots while Spirit of Juno has 53.4 nm to go and even at 8.00 knots, I don't think they can pull a rabbit out of a hat and get ahead of Tucana.

I'm not giving up hope, but let's just say the Credits are probably rolling right now and the announcer is thanking the producer and camera operators and linesmen.

If Stephen loses, that also means he won't have bragging rights. Hey. Wait a Minute! When has losing ever kept Stephen from bragging? Yeah. He'll be okay. He'll probably get all dressed up in his island best clothes and have a night on the town. He can wear sunglasses and no one will notice him so he can have a relaxing time while dining on, what, more fish???

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