Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dr. Brainio

A big treat Saturday when I watched Saturday Night Live was the popular cartoon series "The Ambiguously Gay Duo." It seems like it has been quite a long time since there was an episode on, so it was nice to finally catch up on what's happening. All the usual characters were on and then, they went from being animated to being actual living human beings, except for the one who looked like a lizard and except for the snake.

And who do you think was playing the part of Dr. Brainio? Why would I even ask if it wasn't, you guessed it, Stephen Colbert! He was marvelous, as is to be expected. This should qualify him for a Grammy nomination. I'm not sure what category it would be in, but someone will figure that part out.

Also taking part as real live beings were Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon, Steve Carell, Ed Helms, and Fred Armisen.

It makes sense that someone as intelligent as Stephen Colbert would play the part of Dr. Brainio.

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