Friday, December 7, 2012

# Senator Colbert

If there was a Humility Award, Stephen would win First Place every year. And that is very important for the first big news of the night on last night's show. Senator Jim DeMint is resigning.

Even bigger is the news that someone will need to replace him. It should be someone, according to Stephen Colbert, who is young, conservative, from South Carolina, maybe has a Super PAC.... Do you know who that would be? Yes. It most certainly is Stephen Colbert. And who has the power to make Stephen Colbert the next senator from South Carolina? That would be Governor Nikki Haley.

Friend-Of-The-Show Nikki Haley.

She was on The Colbert Report and obviously got The Colbert Bump when she was on. I'm not saying that automatically means she should appoint Stephen, but hey! It's the decent thing to do.

Unfortunately, I found this which puts a damper on the best news for our nation. Stephen had urged the Colbert Nation to contact Governor Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) and tell her to do the right thing using #senatorcolbert. You can still try. Maybe it will help. Stephen is well equipped to fill the shoes of the departing Senator Jim DeMint. And, you know what that means, right?

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