Friday, October 26, 2012

You Said it Was For Charity

First of all, and most importantly, who will decide this election? Women. But, enough about that.It's time for Stephen Ghoulbert's Spooky-time Halloween Fun Guide. This should be good and just in time for Halloween.

All You Need
1. Big Bowl of Candy
2. Big Bowl of Razor Blades - This will prove that there are no razor blades in the bowl of candy. Makes perfect sense.

Ding Dong. Who's at the door? More importantly, why is there a front door on the set right next to Stephen's desk? Where did that come from? And who could it be? Could it be Clint Eastwood? Could it be Donald Trump? Could it be a BEAR? Yes, it could be all of those, but it's actually Tom Hanks. They made small talk and then Stephen went on and on about Tom Hank's movie, Cloud Atlas, which opens on October 26. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences.

Tom was here to show off great Halloween costumes. Then kids started showing up one by one for Trick-or-Treating. Here's a list of some of the kids. See if you notice anything about them.

1. Kid in Cowboy outfit saying, "There's a snake in my boot."
2. Kid in Astronaut uniform saying, "Houston, we have a problem."
3. Kid in the briefest of clothes, sporting long hair and a beard, holding a FedEx package. His candy bucket happens to be a volleyball with the top cut open. Is this sounding familiar?
4. Next were four kids that Stephen did not recognize. What do you think the chances are that these are characters from Cloud Atlas?
5. One more time the doorbell rang and Tom Hanks rushed to answer it first. After some yelling and fist pounding, Tom Hanks pulled in a kid, Army Man.

Just as Stephen was apologizing to Tom Hanks, the door burst open and someone, a life-sized Army Man, threw the door open and said, "What's the deal, Hanks?" No need to apologize, Stephen. This was a shameless movie plug for Cloud Atlas, opening October 26 in theaters and IMAX.

Also mentioned was the movie Argo. And then Tom Hanks looked into the camera and said, "Go see Cloud Atlas."

Next up was guest Mitch Daniels, who will be Governor of Indiana for only 2 more months. It's pretty hard to follow a big star like Tom Hanks. Mitch Daniels has a book out in paperback, "Keeping the Republic - Saving America by Trusting Americans." Stephen mentioned how he doesn't want to trust the 47% of Americans who are parasites. The two men then had what some might call a subtle pissing contest, Mitch Daniels being all concerned about people getting help from the government in choosing a mortgage and Stephen with his desire to live next to a nuclear plant and not have all those burdensome regulations on it.

Mitch Daniels is concerned about the huge debt we have. Stephen does know his history and so schooled Mitch Daniels a bit. "We had a surplus when Bill Clinton left office, and you were George W. Bush's Director of Management and Budget. Who came in and chloroformed you and stole all the money?"

Thetwo then talked about books. Stephen told Mitch Daniels what his book reminded him of. Stephen's book, "America Again, Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't." Both men agreed to endorse each others' book. I'm pleased to report that Stephen's book got the better endorsement.

If you think tonight was Shameless Plug Night, you are correct. Now, go read every post on my blog.

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