Monday, July 18, 2011

Congress Shall Make No Law

It's Monday and lots of people are talking about what they did this past weekend. Apparently lots of people went to the movies. We can't possibly see all the movies that are out there in the movie theaters, so it was helpful when Stephen compared two movies from this past weekend. One movie was "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part Two" and the other was "The Undefeated" which is about Sarah Palin. He thought they were quite similar, and, in fact, they did have something in common with each other - numbers. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" made about $169,189,427 (a number) and "The Undefeated" got a perfect score of 0% (another number) from Rotten Tomatoes.

When Stephen does finally go to see the movie "The Undefeated" he's going to dress up as a Gotcha Question!

Would you like to be on The Colbert Report? You can. It is very easy. Just donate money to his Colbert Superpac, and you will see your name crawling across the bottom of the screen in what Stephen calls a Cash Crawl.

You are probably wondering about the title. Congress makes laws all the time. That's why all those guys and gals are elected. Well there's other reasons why they are elected, but it's usually so that they can make laws.

But Stephen had Sean Parnell of the Center for ....
(my free speech kicks in here wherein I don't speak about the rest of the name of the Center)... kind of stumped with the whole First Amendment. Mr. Parnell could only remember the first five words. But I have no problem with that because Sean (may I call you Sean) is all about free speech and so that should by definition involve saying as much or as little about the First Amendment as he wants to. If some people are confused, so be it. That's free speech, isn't it?

Although I can see how some people could possible be confused. For example, the following sentence could cause problems for Momma if you only say the first five words.

Throw Momma from the train a kiss.

Also interveiwed was Sheila Krumholz of the Center for Responsive Politics (Open They talked about a lot of things, including puppies.

And finally, all fans of liberty and freedom, including free speech of course, were most likely glued to their TV sets when Stephen has as his guest tonight, John Prendergast, co-founder of Enough Project.

Some more numbers:

8,775 people like Enough Project.

32,124 people like Open

347 people like Center for Competitive Politics.

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