Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Vertical Stripes Are Slimming

I think I'm like most people, including Timmy, who think the lion is the best beast. Stephen informed us otherwise. Tiger is better. You can compare for yourself by reading here about lions and reading here about tigers. Interesting stuff at those two pages. I even think Dorothy and friends (of Wizard of Oz fame) were wrong. By looking at the Range Maps, you can tell that lions are in Africa and Tigers are in Asia. So when Dorothy was saying "Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!" she probably should have been saying "Lions OR Tigers OR Bears, Oh My!" Just a little technical glitch back in Oz.

Speaking of fried chicken. In Thought For Food, Stephen dissected that KFC Go Cup TV commercial  where the two police officers are in the squad car and the KFC Go Cup seems to be the favorite cop food. Then he exposed Fox and Friends and their shameless product placement of the aforementioned KFC Go Cup. A better and easier-to-eat idea was Stephen's Wheel Meat. You can have your fried chicken right on the steering wheel. It couldn't possibly get better than that.

In what must be an amazing coincidence, right before Stephen came back from the break, there was a KFC Go Cup commercial, the very same one that he had dissected on the show! Of all the commercials, it just happened to be KFC Go Cup. Go figure.

Christmas is coming, and that's Stephen's favorite holiday. You better hope you are on his list because he shops from a trendy catalog. It's the Neiman Marcus "The Heart of Giving" Christmas Book 2013. One gift suggestion is a diamond ring experience. Not only do you get to design your ring, but you get to go to Africa and experience the whole fantastic process for yourself. It's about $1.9 million. For half that price, Stephen can do the same for you. He's teamed up with Prescott Precious Stones to offer The Colbert U-Pick-'Em Blood Diamond Experience at the affordable price of only $1 million.

Stephen's guest Tuesday night was Pulitzer prize winning author A. Scott Berg. He is the author of "Wilson." (The president, not the volleyball.) Even though Wilson got us into World War I and started the Federal Reserve and did lots of progressive things, such as trying to get us into the League of Nations, A. Scott Berg thought he did a pretty darn good job. Woodrow Wilson was a fan of what you would probably call a Level Playing Field. Seems like a good idea. He also was in favor of health insurance, but his website wasn't anything to brag about.

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