Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Red, White, and Blue Nuthugger

The Winter Olympics are almost upon us. Only about half a year to wait. This time around, the Olympics are in Sochi, Russia. And of course, the big news is about the Mascots, although Stephen highlighted the anti gay laws in Russia and the concerns for safety of participants while in Russia.

In a seemingly related story, we found out that Vicco, Kentucky has a gay mayor, Johnny Cummings. Granted, he is mayor of a very small town, but a mayor's a mayor. The people interviewed for tonight's segment were mostly all complimentary about what he's accomplished for the town. Only Pastor Truman Hurt seems to have a bone to pick with the Mayor. The town has  earned the honor of being the smallest town to have passed a LGBT fairness law.

Nudge. Kind of a gentle suggestion or urging to do something  rather than a mandate. This is being tried in order to, well, nudge people to do the right thing. I think nudging is used all the time, sometimes to urge you to do something beneficial to yourself or the community at large. Sometimes to benefit a small group of people. One example would be to put the stairs in a prominent place and put the elevator back in the corner. The elevator is available, but people would probably be happy taking the stairs and getting a little bit more exercise. Stephen highlighted a case in, I think he said Amsterdam, where the eyesight of men seemed to be improved by simply painting a fly on some porcelain. Stephen also demonstrated the Nudge in a conversation between two people. No he did not demonstrate how his eyesight could be improved. It's a family show.

Stephen's guest was Kevin Spacey. You never can be sure what you will get with Kevin Spacey as a guest. He has sort of a reputation for some reason. The two talked about "House of Cards" a TV show that is not on TV but rather on Netflix. It has been nominated for Emmy's which is very disturbing to Stephen because it is not really a TV show! The men talked some more, about the upsides and downsides of Washington D.C. and Hollywood. Stephen mentioned that Washington is the Hollywood for unattractive people. And while Stephen had complimented Kevin Spacey on his classy suit, I was more impressed by his shoes, especially the red laces.

I thought things were going well. Stephen probably thought things were going well. Then the word Emmy was mentioned, Kevin Spacey noticed Stephen's Emmy on the set and ran over and stole it! All heck broke loose in the studio. It ended up with Stephen actually sitting on the lap of a stunned audience member. While I was surprised that Stephen got so friendly with some unknown woman in the front row, I was not at all fazed by Kevin Spacey. Surely you've heard the expression, "You get what you pay for." If you are going to invite Kevin Spacey to be on your show, well, you get what you pay for.

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