Saturday, August 10, 2013

I Need an Intern, I Want an Intern

Jay, how's it going working for Stephen over at the The Colbert Report? Is he working you too hard? Making you get his coffee even before you got some for yourself?

How about working for me?

It would be easy and I would treat you well. All you would have to do is the cooking and cleaning and yard work and grocery shopping and once in a while, you would have to write stuff for this blog.

Summer, at least summer this year, has been way too busy for me. I don't have the same kind of energy and stamina that Stephen does. I've gotten behind on the posts again. Once you start sliding, it's hard to get the creative process flowing again.

There's been great news and even some entertainment this week that I haven't told you about. I sure hope everyone who didn't watch Stephen's show did get to see "Get Lucky" over at Colbert Nation. It's about five minutes and it is amazing. Does Stephen just have all those people sitting around in the Green Room waiting for something to do? And those high kicks! When will they let a guy into their dance line?

Now I'm way off track. Jay, will you come work for me? I will pay you about the same as Stephen is paying you. (You work for free, right???)

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