Wednesday, September 26, 2012

America Again

Stephen has a new iPhone 5. I'm betting he got it to help ease the pain of losing the Emmy. That's right, to quote him, "I lost the Emmy." Speaking of losing, Mitt Romney was the first topic of the night on the show. Apparently, Ann Romney's plane had to make an emergency landing recently. Mitt Romney was, of course, very concerned about her safety. He also was concerned that windows on airplanes don't open. Hopefully, if elected, he could work on getting laws passed to fix that problem.

The presidential election is always on every one's mind which is probably what prompted Stephen to give a big shout-out to Ronald Reagan and all conservatives. "You know the old saying, the rich get richer... hurray!" He then mentioned fellow conservative Peggy Noonan again, after quoting her at length last week. "It's time to admit the Romney campaign is an incompetent one."

This just in: Peggy made a correction two days later. "...I called it incompetent...I really meant 'rolling calamity.'" Her advice? "...if he is serious, he has to put in place a guiding philosophy..."

What could that guiding philosophy be? I wonder. What could it be? Isn't it too late in the campaign to come up with a guiding philosophy? NO. Stephen Colbert has solved that problem! Over the weekend, he wrote a book. Yep. Yet another book by author Stephen Colbert:

"America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't."

It is already number one (1!) New York Times Bestseller! It is out in bookstores on October 2, which is coming up pretty soon. If you think the lines to get a new iPhone 5 were long, just wait until people start lining up at all the bookstores all across American again. (Did you notice what I just did there? Oh, yeah, quite clever.) I just wish I could read those really tiny words up at the top of the book by the "bestseller" portion. Wouldn't it have to be on sale for it to become a bestseller?

In the Sport Report, Stephen talked about Replacement Referees for the NFL, but it is just too painful, so I am not going to say anything other than everyone seems to want those Union Referees back on the job, even Scott Walker.

Claressa Shields was Stephen's guest. Sometime Shephen is, (how shall I put this???) pushy with his guests, demanding quick answers and making sure they meet his high standards of punditry. Sometimes he treats them more like close friends or colleagues. I just got this feeling that he was wearing kid gloves while interviewing Claressa Shields. Perhaps that's because, even though she is only 17 years old, she is a winner, in fact she is the first woman and only American boxer to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games in London this year. He called her style Razzle Dazzle. He asked if there is crying in boxing. (Yes, there is.) If Claressa and Stephen were perhaps to go a few rounds of boxing, the outcome would probably be that Claressa would hit Stephen and then he would cry.

But enough of that, go out and get in line to buy Stephen's new book!

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