Monday, December 5, 2011


Yet again a recording on my answering machine. And it is a recorded message that is recording. Hope that is not too confusing. Basically, it's not a person, it's a machine, in other words, a non-person.

As usual, the message only starts after my answering machine greeting is complete, so I don't know what the beginning of the message was, but the ending is like this:

"... terms, conditions and associated changes before next billing cycle. This is your final notice as it relates to the financial stimulus."

And then I'm supposed to press 1 to talk to a real person. They never say who they are or exactly what it is that they are going to do for me. And that financial stimulus reference? Yeah, that's to make you think it is really, really, really important.

So, ignore them if they call. I also can probably guarantee that it won't be your final notice. In fact, they called me twice on the same day!

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