Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stephen Already Has an iPad 2

I don't know what to think. Last night Stephen revealed that he got an iPad 2 on the first day! It sounds like he actually went out and paid money for it. At least he didn't make a big deal about it, so one can only assume that there was no special deal worked out.

So now we can evaluate the Poll about when he would get it. I'm not even sure whether or not to say someone correctly guessed the correct time when Stephen would get his iPad 2. We can review the answers offered to see which ones were selected.

One person guessed he would have it the next time he did a show. One guessed he would get it after Jon Stewart got one and one person guessed Never. No one guessed that he would get it for his birthday, so everyone who did not vote that way was correct since his birthday is, oops, I better not spill the beans on when that is. (I'm planning a surprise about something or for someone, but can't say what.)

And I don't know if Jon Stewart got an iPad. So it is possible that Stephen got an iPad 2 after Jon Stewart got an iPad 2, but at this point in time, we just can't say if that was the correct answer. And since he had his iPad but didn't tell us, well it gets really murky trying to figure out if anyone was correct on their guess for the Poll.

I will have to redo my thinking on what to ask for the next Poll. It will need to have answers that are more likely to be either right or else wrong. The Poll needs to have a much better truthiness quotient than my first Poll had.

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