Saturday, August 22, 2020

Capitibus Excelis. Aperire Corda.

I am so excited. I have decided to go back to school!

A wonderful opportunity just recently presented itself, so I am going to go for it. I will have more information as it becomes available. It's an online school, so no travel involved. I'm hoping homework will be minimal because I keep so busy with everything else that I won't really have time to devote hours each day to studying.

What I can tell you so far is that the teaching staff is excellent. It is an online school, so no travel required. That is a big plus in my book!

And there is a motto for the school, so that adds to the charm.

Capitibus Excelsis. Aperire Corda.

I don't know what it means. Maybe that is something I will learn when I register or when classes start. I have the perfect place on my wall for a diploma. This is going to be so intriguing. And, yes, educational.

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