Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sí, Se Puede

Sometimes I spend so much time researching the topics that Stephen covers on the show that I lose track of the time. I have been learning more about the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) and also Cesar Chavez.

Over 7 Million Americans have signed up for Private Health Coverage. (At this point, Stephen took time to give a shout-out to Karl Rove and his life partner, Boardie.) Good news, yes, but now there will be 7 million people in the waiting room when Stephen goes to the doctor.

And I got distracted again reading something about Karl Rove by Wayne Madsen. It's from a few year's back so I won't put the link here. You can Google those two names if you want to read about it.

Stephen also talked about Unionized Football. Most interesting to me was what he said about Northwestern University. He noted that Northwestern University graduates some quality people with excellent educations. He has a bit of history there, considering he went there and he spoke there.

Stephen's guest was John Malkovich. He is an Executive Producer for the movie "Cesar Chavez - History is Made One Step at a Time" and also has a part in the movie. Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma, Arizona. You may know Arizona as the state where Senator John McCain, who was born in Panama Canal Zone, lives.

Stephen had many questions for John Malkovich about Cesar Chavez. Other than the answers to the fashion questions, I would sum up his answers in one word - Fairness. So, go see the movie and enjoy that lettuce in your dinner salad and the grapes in your fruit salad tonight while you are eating supper.

They ended the interview by talking about the stylish Technobohemian clothes that John Malkovich was wearing. I looked at the SS 2014 collection and there's a lot of neat stuff there. Nice drawings on that scarf, too.

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