Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shredded Cardboard Soaked in Vinegar

I think Stephen must have spent time in Washington D.C. over Spring Break because he had another BKAD segment. (Better Know A District) Last night he interviewed Congressman G. K. Butterfield of North Carolina's First Congressional District. Stephen was confused during some portions of the interview, but that is to be expected considering, as I said, he probably did the interview during Spring Break. They talked of many things, though, and we even got treated to an impromptu facsimile of a Thelonious Monk song by Stephen. Thelonious Monk was born in North Carolina, so that was the connection and the reason for Stephen breaking out in jazz.

The two men also talked about the Voting Rights Act, which Congressman G. K. Butterfield supports and racism which Stephen thinks is a thing of the past. Congressman Butterfield explained to Stephen that just because Barack Obama is President that does not mean racism has ended. Next the two talked about tobacco and pre-schoolers and again I suspect that Stephen was confused. Congressman Butterfield wants to use tax money from tobacco to help fund programs for young children. Stephen thinks Congressman Butterfield wants to charge too much money for young children to purchase tobacco products. Perhaps if Stephen thinks about it some more, he will see the light.

I did not realize that there are many different recipes for what you would call Bar-B-Q. Stephen had two different examples and, although Congressman Butterfield is from North Carolina, he told Stephen that the plate of Bar-B-Q from South Carolina was by far the best Bar-B-Q.

So, Bryan Cranston was on the show again, unfortunately, without roller skates. We all remember Stephen's Best Performance (scroll down in the post ***) the last time Bryan Cranston showed up on the show. But this time Bryan Cranston was promoting "All The Way" which is a play on Broadway about President Lyndon Johnson. Unfortunately, the sound on my TV machine was cutting in and out, so I did not hear everything that Bryan Cranston and Stephen talked about. I think they talked about elephants because I heard the name Jumbo, which can only be a name of an elephant. Also, Bryan Cranston demonstrated how an elephant would pick up things using his trunk.

Also interesting is that if you go look at Wikipedia's entry about the Voting Rights Act, you can scroll down (about a fourth of the way) and watch some actual video of President Johnson speaking about the Voting Rights Act.

I will try to catch this episode online and if there are any changes I need to make about the interview, I'll be sure to get that done. But I'm pretty sure they were talking about elephants.

*** Stephen also apparently spent Spring Break revamping the website Colbert Nation. You may see a note that says "Don't Freak Out but this video is no longer available. Try scrolling down a bit if you don't see the StePhest Colbchella -013 Daft Punk'd video. It may just be waiting for you under that Freak Out blurb.

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