Monday, November 26, 2012

In Brief

Here's the short version, the highlights of what I missed when I was away from civilization, i.e. a place where The Colbert Report was not on the TV machine.

For one thing, Stephen suggested that Doris Kearns Goodwin was friendly, very friendly with Lincoln. He also took the opportunity to suggest that viewers purchase his books. (I have already purchased most of his books and I'm still working my way through "I Am a Pole And So Can You.")

There was a wonderful discussion of Super PACs. Karl Rove's Super PAC elected 1.29% -- can that be correct??? --- of the candidates they he spent big money on. His donors are kind of pissed.

Stephen had a Super PAC. He's a little bit worried about the fallout and so he blamed any problems on Jon Stewart who had control of the Super PAC for only one week. Jon showed up to complain but didn't stick around for long. However, friend of the show Trevor Potter did show up and as usual he had wonderful news for Stephen. Again with just simple forms or signed letters, Stephen is able to take advantage of great legal ideas and abracadabra! Stephen has the leftover money (we're talking something like $800,000) free and clear with no strings attached. No one need ever know.

I have got to get me a Super PAC.

Ken Burns was on to talk about two of his documentaries, "The Dust Bowl" and "The Central Park Five." Ken Burns said of the Dust Bowl that it was "bad" and that Oklahoma begged for the big federal government to come to Oklahoma and help them with the problem in their state. The Central Park Five is about waiting for justice to be served and about Ken Burns saying No to someone.

Moving on to another episode, Stephen had his "Who's Attacking Me Now?" segment. Turns out it's Canada's Maple Stream media. Apparently, they are upset with something Stephen said in his book "America Again."(Note: good Christmas gift.) In a CBC news poll, though, 76.64% of poll takers said Stephen's mention of Windsor, Canada thought it was good for the city. So, I don't see why they would complain. "You're welcome Windsor. You just got the Colbert Bump," said Stephen. No matter what Stephen says about you, in the end, it's going to be good.

Tony Kushner, screenwriter for the Lincoln movie, stopped by to talk about old Uncle Pennyface. He seemed to agree with Doris Kearns Goodwin and remarked that Lincoln had huge feet. I think we can all agree that Lincoln was a great president.

Whew, briefly, I'm caught up with most of the episodes. Just in time for tonight!

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