Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm Melting

Stephen's top story tonight was his encouragement of senior citizens to become more tech savvy. He also presented some excellent rationale for why this is important. So come on seniors, learn how to surf those internets.

But on with more pressing issues. LIBOR - London Inter Bank Offered Rate. It's a big deal. It's good and bad. And Stephen had Dave Leonhardt, New York Times Washington Bureau Chief, on the show to explain it all to Stephen. Stephen then condensed it down to Cupcakes Good, Terrorists Bad. So, that helped me understand it.

Canada has new polymer hundred dollar bills. This is great news. Unfortunately, if they get too hot,  they can melt. Talk about your money burning a hole in your pocket. I'm going to recommend that Canadians start putting ice cubes in their pocket or wallet from now on to take care of this minor inconvenience of a shrinking dollar.

Stephen's guest was Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Stephen has a nice automobile with a button or knob to control the climate within his car. So he doesn't quite understand Ms. Jackson's fascination with keeping the environment so clean and pure. Ms Jackson state that back in Richard Nixon's time, we had rivers that would burn. Thus the catalyst for the EPA. (Of course Stephen thinks that a burning river is just a good source of alternative energy.)

To help Stephen understand, she talked about mercury. It is toxic to the brain and is manifested in children. What we get is a loss in IQ for those of the younger persuasion. She had other examples and there is a whole lot of info at the website.

Stephen made a prediction of sorts at the end of the show. Whether or not it comes true , I don't know, but it did get a grin and a slight chuckle from guest Lisa Jackson.

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