Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Can Has a SuperPac

Agenda Item: Thursday, June 30 at 10:00 a.m.

Where will you be then? Stephen will be at 999 E Street NW in Washington D.C. or in other words at the Federal Election Commission to find out if he gets to have his SuperPac. He commented on the show that all six of the Commissioners are very good looking!

And then at approximately 11:00 a.m., Stephen will be outside and will let the world know that he got his SuperPac (or else he will come out crying because he did not get it). Trevor Potter was again on The Colbert Report to advise Stephen and he did tell him that there was a third option. The vote could go 3-3 which would be a tie and that would mean that it wasn't yes but it wasn't no.

Okay, now here is something really interesting. If you go to the Federal Election Commission website, you may notice a scrolling text at the bottom of the screen.

Information regarding Commission's June 30 public meeting.

Hmpf. I wonder what that could be about. Well, I'll just poke on the link and find out.

Okay, this is interesting. Here's what it says on the FEC website for Public Meeting of June 30, 2011:

Public Meeting of June 30, 2011

Individuals planning to attend the Federal Election Commission's June 30 public meeting should be aware that:

1. Seating in the hearing room is extremely limited, and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be overflow seats in the Public Records Division but there, too, the seating will be extremely limited.
2. Members of the public will not be admitted before 9 a.m., but may line up outside to the east of the building entrance.
3. Security guards will screen all visitors and their belongings. Please bring a valid, government -issued picture ID.
4. Visitors must wear their FEC-issued guest ID while in the building.
5. Food and drink are not permitted in the hearing room or in Public Records.

The Commission will consider Stephen Colbert's Advisory Opinion Request as the first item on its agenda. Afterward, there will be a short break to allow members of the public who wish to leave to do so.

Live audio feeds and recorded podcasts of all the Commission's public meetings are available on the agency's website. Click here (go to FEC website and click) to access the June 30 broadcast.
Wow. Wowie! I wonder how often they have this much interest in a hearing. The suspense is unbearable. Keep your fingers crossed and tune in tomorrow.

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