Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bear Belly

Good thing Stephen wasn't in Hayward, Wisconsin on Thursday night. A bear, that's right, a bear, meandered into a grocery store and headed for the beer cooler. He seemed happy to just be in the cooler. DNR tranquilized him and got him out of there. Most likely he was underage because he did not drink any beer while he was there.

Stephen is not a fan of bears. They scare him. Surprising for someone who often talks about Papa Bear.

How did that bear know where the beer cooler was? Did anyone card him? Was he planning on stocking up for the long winter? Will Stephen even mention this on his program? Darn, probably not. I think he is on vacation for a week. What? Vacation? That means there is the possibility that he is in Wisconsin since that is a wonderful place to take a vacation, what with the lakes and the trees and the fishing and the wildlife and the things of that nature.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Media Bias

Here's an interesting side note related to my earlier posting today. Also on the Conservapedia home page is a blurb about Michelle Obama. Conservapedia all but calls her a liar when she talked about her "best memories" of the Olympics. She claimed to be a young girl while watching and cheering for Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis and others. Conservapedia (which coincidentally has a whole section about Bias in Wikipedia) says Michelle was 20 years old when Carl Lewis was in the Olympics in 1984, so not really a young girl. That's true, but they fail to mention that Olga Korbut was in the 1972 Olympics which would make Michelle 12 years younger, or only 8 years old. And Nadia Comaneci was first in the 1976 Olympics, which would make Michelle 12 years old. So while Conservapedia has their underwear all in a bunch about media bias, they are perfectly fine practicing it themselves.

Colbert Bump

Since I posted yesterday, I have been following the entries on Conservapedia for Pat Robertson and Stephen Colbert. I chose Pat Robertson because he is well known and has been around a long time, even longer than Stephen. Plus Pat Robertson also has a TV show. Anyway, I looked at those pages again today. Pat Robertson's page shows 6 more hits since yesterday, putting his total at 9,186. Stephen Colbert's page shows 100,927 which is a whopping 5,112 more hits since yesterday. No matter how many times I look at each of these two pages, I can't advance the hit counter. So, obviously it is other people from all over the nation or even world that are looking at Colbert's page on Conservapedia. It's as if by Colbert giving Conservapedia the Colbert Bump, that Conservapedia has returned the favor to give Colbert the Colbert Bump. This is truly amazing stuff!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Special Message from Conservapedia

Mischief is afoot. I checked out Conservapedia today. (See previous post if you haven't read that yet.) On the right hand side of the Conservapedia website, under "In the News" it said this:

"Special message to the Colbert show watchers: do yourselves a favor and watch less television. Colbert and his advertisers want to make money off you, but you can accomplish some good instead by unplugging the TV. You could even pick up a Bible."

I agree with some of that special message but disagree with other parts of it. Let me explain. The only times I remember Stephen asking for money was for charities. For example, if you buy a $7.50 WRISTSTRONG Bracelet, $5.00 will be donated to The Yellow Ribbon Fund. (Okay, so he advertises some pharmaceuticals, but isn't that the American way to get rich? I mean, it's practically in the Constitution.) So he's not trying to make money off of people, he's supporting our troops.

But take for example on Pat Robertson's 700 Club website, he asks for as much as $834 each and every month! And you do not even get a bracelet!

I do thank Conservapedia for suggesting that people unplug their TV. If we all do that when we are not watching The Colbert Report, or something else such as Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, it would save a little bit of electricity and all that little bit adds up to help stop global warming. So a Tip of the Hat to Conservapedia for their concern about Global Warming.

And I like that they are telling people to pick up a Bible. Again, it's these small things that can make a difference. Pick it up, put it down. Do this for 20 repetitions each day and you will see improvement in your arm muscles.

But here is one of my complaints. On their Pat Robertson page, they talk about his run for the presidency. But do they even mention that Stephen also ran for president? No. Just because Pat stayed in the race longer and raised more money and had more votes, they consider it to be more pertinent. Well, when did being pertinent ever pertain to things that are important or relevant?

How would the election have turned out for either of these two men if they had stayed in the race all the way to election day? We can never know how the elections of 1988, 1992, or 2008 would have turned out. But here is a good indicator. Pat Robertson's page on Conservapedia shows only 9,180 hits while Stephen Colbert's page on Conservapedia shows 95,815 hits. It 's pretty clear from those statistics who would have had a better chance at winning the election. Never mind that they didn't even run in the same years.

But all in all, it is nice of Conservapedia to recognize Stephen Colbert. I think they may actually be giving Stephen that famous Colbert Bump!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Gospel According to Stephen

On tonight's show, Stephen mentioned that the folks over at Conservapedia are trying to rewrite the Bible. Read about it here: Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages at The Huffington Post.

After talking about it a little bit, he suggested to his Colbert Nation that they all go to Conservapedia and write Stephen Colbert into the Bible, to make him a biblical character, e.g. Moses.

I Googled Conservapedia and checked out the website. All I found was "Service Temporarily Unavailable." That's about what I expected. When Stephen commands, I mean suggests, something be done by his Nation, there is an immediate and immense response. It is possible, even probable that they either crashed the website or Conservapedia found out about his mischief excursion and shut down their own website rather than have their re-written Bible be re-re-written by the Colbert Nation.